Why we can finish your one day garage floor before — or during — winter.

It’s winter. You wake up, brew the coffee and get ready to take on another day. Then it hits: you get to spend twenty minutes scraping ice off your windshield in the bitter cold because your garage is being finished. We’re shivering just thinking about that, but here’s why it happens and how you can avoid it.

The main issue at play here is this: the colder the temperature of your garage floor, the longer it takes for traditional epoxies to cure. This begins a domino effect of longer re-coat times and more icy mornings before your garage is finished and can return to service.


Global Garage Inc. specializes primarily in treating your garage floor with polyaspartic materials. While polyaspartic materials are a bit more expensive than epoxies, the quicker application time and less labor involved during installation result in an overall price that is frequently less than a similar epoxy floor. The efficiency of a one day garage floor is cost effective!


Polyaspartics can be applied at much lower temperatures than epoxies thanks to a unique chemical reaction that creates its own heat during the curing process. Also unlike epoxies, subsequent coats can be applied while the previous ones are still wet. This saves us wait time for the drying/curing process and actually allows the materials to bond together more thoroughly to give you a much stronger finished product.


What saves us time, saves you time. Because polyaspartic coatings cure so quickly, your garage can be put back to service the following day (one day garage floor!). Epoxies take much longer to cure, and can take several days to park on again.


Polyaspartics are also state of the art as far as quality is concerned. They are more durable, more flexible and more resistant to staining than other epoxies. In addition, they are more color-fast—where other treatment options tend to yellow over time, polyaspartics look as rich as they did the first day.


Global Garage Inc. believes so much in the quality of polyaspartic treatments that we actually don’t offer any lower cost, lower quality service options. We want our customers to have the very best floor coating possible, so we provide only the best system available. In fact, when we treat your garage floor, we’re using the same method and materials we do when we install commercial and industrial floors.

Ready to get started? Contact us today to learn about next steps and get a free estimate—we can’t wait to get your garage looking beautiful just in time for winter.

One Day Garage Floor

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